07 August, 13:22Мировой рынок
Саудовская государственная нефтекомпания Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Saudi Aramco) сократила чистую прибыль более чем на треть во втором квартале 2023 года из-за снижения мировых цен на нефть. |
Архив за 7 августа, 2023
07 August, 12:55Отчеты
Сегодня, за прошедшую торговую сессию на площадке eOil.ru были показаны следующие результаты электронных аукционов: |
07 August, 11:52Отчеты
Energy market: Do you know that there is a direct correlation between the price of cocoa in US dollars and the exchange rate of the Russian ruble against the US currency? Yes, chocolate will be expensive now. It is because of the fact that prices for orange juice are rising, which directly affects the mood of the bulls in the dollar against the currencies of developing countries. All traders are excited and pounding chocolate in the workplace, bringing themselves closer to type 2 diabetes. As you can see, rising prices for imported goods affect the national currency. The analyst finished the report. We will continue to write clearly and understandably so that you can draw unambiguous conclusions. Hello! This issue has been prepared with the direct participation of analysts from eOil.ru and IDK.ru trading platforms. Here an assessment of the situation in the world and Russian markets is given. Brent reached 86.00, which makes us say that we are growing too fast. Against the background of reduced deliveries to the foreign market from the Russian Federation and the KSA, the price increase is justified, but I would not like to see it so unidirectional. We are waiting for a rollback to 78.00. If the market fixes above 86.00, then 92.00 awaits us. We are forced to state a fact: Russia was forced to change the route of oil supply by tankers through the Black Sea. Because of the threat of undermining, we have to move away from Ukrainian territory and go along the Turkish coast. This is not so much directly affecting supplies as it is unnerving, which also keeps oil prices high. Quiet sniffling is heard from Washington about the fact that Russia has started selling oil at a minimum discount and no one refuses it. Sales levels are already above the sanctioned $60 per barrel and continue to rise. Having shown stubbornness in the conflict with Ukraine, Russia is forcing it to be reckoned with in trade matters as well. |
07 August, 06:49Пульс рынка
Увеличение экспорта американской нефти снижает цены на европейском и азиатском рынках. |
07 August, 06:36Отчеты
Одну из двух веток нефтепровода «Дружба» в Польше отключили из-за утечки. Это должно сегодня поддержать цены на нефть. Событие будет носить глобальный характер если её не запустят в ближайшие недели. На Белорусско-польской границе обострение, видимо это и не нравится Варшаве, после чего и появилась «утечка». Скорее всего это предупреждение Кремлю. Если эскалация продолжит набирать обороты, то нефтепровод перестанет выполнять свои функции. И не исключено, что без возможности восстановления. Наши отчеты и прогнозы можно найти здесь. |